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Let peo­ple get off be­fore you get on

With a campaign, we are strengthening the awareness for the need to first let people get off the vehicle before you get on.

Graz Linien bus with "Aussteigen vor Einsteigen" inscription on doors
© Holding Graz/Rebernegg

If you first let people get off the bus before you get on, our buses do not have to spend so much time at the bus stop. Sounds logical – and it is!

Ini­tial sit­u­a­tion:

Around 30,000 passengers use the services of Graz Linien every day.  A lot of time is wasted at the stops both for buses and for trams, in particular at very busy stops, because passengers get in each other’s way when getting off and on the bus. Time is also lost when people get on the buses because buying a ticket from the bus driver takes up additional time.

Goals of the ini­tia­tive:

  • The new campaign aims to minimise passengers getting in each other’s way in the door area so that firstly people getting off can get off the buses and trams more quickly and thus do not come into conflict with people getting on.
  • Secondly, advance sales are to be promoted further to minimise the sale of tickets in the vehicles.

Faster pub­lic trans­port through at­ten­tive pas­sen­gers!

To accelerate boarding and alighting in day-to-day traffic, Joanneum University of Applied Sciences (Department of Building, Energy & Society) developed on behalf of and in collaboration with Graz Linien a joint key issues document for an acceleration concept for public transport in Graz and examined the topic of speeding up boarding and alighting in more detail. Graz Linien have adopted the recommendations formulated during the study in the area of passenger conduct and developed a five-point programme.

We achieve these op­ti­mi­sa­tions through:

  • less time at stops.
  • the timetable becoming more punctual and more reliable.
  • a further increase in the attractiveness of public transport.
  • enhanced awareness among passengers for their contribution to speeding up the process.
  • an increase in the percentage of advance purchases of tickets and travel cards.
Video: Let people get off before you get on