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Trav­el­ling with­out a valid tick­et

Caught with­out a valid tick­et?

Immediate payment: € 105 for tram or bus travel without a valid ticket for adults, € 53 for persons who have not yet reached the age of 18.

Payment by payment slip: € 135 for adults, € 68 for persons who have not yet reached the age of 18. In case of a reminder, the fee increases to € 155 (€ 78 for persons under 18).

For­got­ten a valid tick­et?

If the ticket is returned, emailed or faxed within three days, the matter is settled for you. This only applies to tickets with your photo on it (e.g. “Top-Ticket” or “Jahreskarte Graz”). You will find all contact information below, including the e-mail-adress!

Important: You must also bring the payment slip with you or provide the EBE number.

Do you have any ques­tions or is any­thing un­clear?

If anything is unclear or you feel that you have been unfairly fined, please contact the municipal Graz Parking Space and Safety Service (GPS) which carries out the check on our behalf.

Contact info:

  • Graz Parking Space and Safety Service, Jakominigürtel 20/1 – rear entrance, 8011 Graz
  • Monday to Friday from 8 am until 5 pm
  • Tram lines 3 and 5 – stop: Jakominigürtel/tim