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We look after our employees, offer perfect working conditions and act in a family and women-friendly way. Apprentices find great apprenticeships at our company and can also have a career here.

A man wearing a gray shirt and black overalls with "GRAZ HOLDING" logo, smiles while holding a wrench. He is standing in a workshop with tools in the background.
Lex Karelly

What we offer you

With more than 3,000 employees, Holding Graz is an important employer in the region. However, the creation of stable jobs is not enough on its own. The employees also want healthy workplaces, initial and further training opportunities and a corporate culture that respects them. We offer our employees all that – and much more besides.

Through many employee-friendly services with a broad programme on the topics of exercise, diet and relaxation, Holding Graz is one of the most women and family-friendly companies in Styria. Holding is also an interesting employer for apprentices and trainees whom it employs in 20 different apprenticeship professions.

We gladly encourage and support our employees and in diverse areas. We are strong together!

What you can expect at Holding Graz:

  • family-friendly working hours
  • flexitime model
  • 6th week of vacation from the age of 43
  • own company kindergarten
  • company cafeterias at several stations
  • job ticket for employees
  • large range of company health services
  • funding of further training measures
  • support of apprenticeship with school leaving examination
  • apprentices can participate in “UNI for Life” programme
  • possibilities for advancement within the group


You will find our vacancies here. Applications must refer specifically to a position advertised and can only be submitted in conjunction with a public job advertisement.

Data privacy information pursuant to the GDPR for applications to Holding Graz and its subsidiaries, for whom we carry out order processing:

Become a tram or bus driver!

Many of our staff dreamed about becoming a driver when they were young; others joined the profession later on. But all of them enjoy their job: being a driver with Graz Linien.

Become a bus or tram driver!

Hop on board! Here you will find the link to the application form for drivers and all the info about the job!

Become one of our drivers

Start your career with an apprenticeship!

Do you want to learn a great profession? Are you hard-working, determined and committed? Is your great wish to complete a good, comprehensive vocational apprenticeship at a large, renowned and secure company? Then you have come to exactly the right place!

Looking for an apprenticeship place?

Take the apprenticeship career route! We offer great opportunities for further development!

 Here you will find all the apprenticeship vacancies and all the necessary info!


Apply to our company online

Every job advert contains a link to our online application form. Letter of motivation, curriculum vitae and any other important proof of qualification for the vacancy advertised can be uploaded by you.


After your application has been received

After your online application has been received, we send a confirmation of receipt. After the end of the advertisement period we carefully check each application. This means that it may take some time for us to contact you again.


We would like to meet you

The next step: If your training, professional experience and your skills match the requirements profile of the job advertised, we will be pleased to invite you to an interview at our company.


We invite you to an interview

During the interview, you meet your potential new supervisors for the first time and answer their questions and can of course also ask questions yourself. Depending on the position advertised, we also carry out aptitude tests or request work samples.


Hurray, you have done it!

Congratulations! Please still be patient. After completion of the in-house approval process, you will receive an offer of employment and will be informed about the next steps until your 1st day at work & will be accompanied until then.

Other job of­fers in the Graz ad­min­is­tra­tion