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GrazGutschein (Graz Vouch­er)

You can buy the most beautiful gifts of our city with GrazGutscheine. The vouchers can be redeemed in around 900 stores, restaurants and service providers throughout Graz. You can also conveniently pay your electricity bill at Energie Graz with GrazGutscheine. Give sensibly and exactly what your loved ones want.

A hand holds three "Graz Gutschein" vouchers, each worth 10 Euro, in front of the Graz Clock Tower.
© Julia Kopsch

Your voucher for around 900 stores!

The GrazGutschein is a shopping voucher which can be used like cash in around 900 Graz stores, food service outlets and service companies. The GrazGutschein is thus ideal as a gift idea for any event!

The GrazGutschein is the perfect gift – irrespective of whether you want to surprise your family, friends, business partners or employees.

Apotheken, Drogerien & Reformhäuser

Cafés, Konditoreien & Bäckereien



Gasthäuser, Restaurants & Bars

Gesundheit & Körper

Kosmetik, Parfümerien & Friseure

Lebensmittel, Getränke & Erlesenes

Mode, Schuhe & Taschen