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Data pri­va­cy Hold­ing Graz Kom­mu­nale Di­en­stleis­tun­gen GmbH

The protection of your personal data is of great concern to Holding Graz. Here you will find all the information you need!

Woman uses a tablet with a white background. The tablet displays a graphic with multiple images.
© Unsplash/Marek Levak

Here you can find the data protection information of Holding Graz.

Data protection information of Freizeit Graz can be found here!

General info:

We as a municipal service company are obligated to protect your data and we also take this directive seriously. Please take the time to read through this data privacy notice so that you understand why we collect your data and in what form we process them. The processing of personal data of data subjects includes e.g. the collection, saving, usage, combining, transmission or deletion of data.

A “data subject” is deemed to be a person whom the data can be assigned to. These persons can be grouped into categories of data subjects and classified at Holding Graz – Kommunale Dienstleistungen GmbH as interested parties, applicants, citizens, website visitors, customers and former customers as well as all other natural persons who contact our company. All designations of persons or jobs which are stipulated linguistically in the masculine form in this data privacy information are to be understood as also referring to women correspondingly.

The terms and conditions of participation and the data privacy info for our competitions can be found here!

Pro­cess­ing of data of vis­i­tors to our web­site

When you visit our website, the following data are collected, saved and analysed to improve the information that we offer and to guarantee the system security:

IP address of the requesting computer, date and time of the access, name and URL of the retrieved file, transmitted data volume, message whether the retrieval was successful (HTTP status code), identification data of the browser and operating system used, website from which the access is made.

The storage duration of the data recorded is: 6 months.

In this context, we point out that an analysis of the IP address is only done in the event of attacks against our network infrastructure.

In order to achieve the aforementioned purposes, it may be necessary in individual cases for us to disclose your data to the following recipients (service providers):

Re­cip­i­ents (ser­vice providers)

Recipients/Category of recipientsRegistered office of the companyBasis for transmission to a third country
IT service companies and their service providers within the framework of the maintenance and support of the information technology and communication systemsGraz, Austria and in individual cases within the EUwithin the EU
IT service providers within the framework of the website hosting and as an Internet service providerGraz, Austriawithin the EU
IT service providers for the technical implementation of the web presenceGraz, Austriawithin the EU


This disclosure can be done by transmission, dissemination or another form of provision.


Cookies are used to recognise and to save temporary data of the visitor to the website. The cookies used by us are so-called session cookies that will be deleted when you end your browser session.

In your browser settings you can also determine whether cookies may be set or not. You can prevent the installation of the cookies by a corresponding setting of your browser; however, we point out to you that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of our website in full.

Use of Google An­a­lyt­ics

You may choose to prevent this website from aggregating and analyzing the actions you take here. Doing so will protect your privacy, but will also prevent the owner from learning from your actions and creating a better experience for you and other users.

If, when you called up our website, you gave your explicit consent to the saving and usage of log files and to the use of cookies, this website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc.

Google Analytics also uses cookies, text files that are saved on your computer and that permit an analysis of your usage of the website. The information generated by the cookie regarding your usage of this website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to a server of Google in the US and saved there. Google will use this information to analyse your usage of the website, to compile reports about the website activities for the website operators and to provide further services associated with the website usage and the Internet usage. Google may also transmit this information to third parties if this is stipulated by law or if third parties process these data on behalf of Google. Under no circumstances will Google use your IP address in connection with other data that are saved by Google.

You can also prevent the installation of cookies by a corresponding setting in your browser software; however, we point out to you that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of this website in full. In addition, you can prevent the recording of the data obtained and the processing of these data by Google by downloading the corresponding browser plug-in under the following link and installing it:

You will also find more information about the terms and conditions of usage and the data privacy information of Google under the following links:

Use of Face­book

Plug-ins of the social network Facebook, 1601 South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA are integrated on our pages. You can recognise the Facebook plug-ins by the Facebook logo the “Like” button on our site. An overview of the Facebook plug-ins can be found here:

If you have given your explicit consent to the saving and usage of log files and to the use of cookies when you called up our website, a direct connection will be established between your browser and the Facebook server via the plug-in. Facebook thus receives the information that you have visited our site with your IP address. If you click on the Facebook “Like” button whilst you are still logged into your Facebook account, you can link the content of our pages to your Facebook profile. Facebook can thus assign the visit to our pages to your user account. We point out that as the provider of the pages we do not have any knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or their usage by Facebook. Further information in this regard can be found in the data privacy notice of Facebook at If you do not wish Facebook to be able to assign the visit to our pages to your Facebook user account, please log out of your Facebook user account.

Pro­cess­ing of data of sub­scribers to our newslet­ter (cur­rent­ly not ac­tive)

If you register via our website for our Holding Graz newsletter (currently not active!), the following data will be processed:

name, your e-mail address, the time of your registration and your IP address.
In addition, we save which newsletters we have sent you, whether and when you opened or blocked them or marked them as spam, or whether these could not be delivered, either temporarily or permanently, whether you subscribe to or unsubscribe from the newsletter and which as well as how many links you click on in the newsletter.
The processing of these data is covered by the consent given during registration for our newsletter. If you do not wish to provide this information, please do not register for the newsletter.

Our newsletters will be sent out by IT service providers for automated communication solutions (technical implementation) with their registered office in Graz, Austria within the EU as service providers.

Stake­hold­er data pro­cess­ing

The following data is processed as part of our stakeholder management:

Title, name, function, affiliation to the organisation, (professional) address, e-mail address, type of organisation, thematic fields of the organisation.

We obtain this personal data from personal contacts (business cards, e-mail contact), from publicly available sources (websites of organisations, associations and institutions), from external providers who provide us with your data and through registrations for our events.

We process this personal data

  • in order to be able to provide stakeholders with information from Holding Graz that is relevant to them in their function,
  • for invitations to events, and
  • to conduct stakeholder surveys.

The legal basis for the processing of personal data of stakeholders is our legitimate interest pursuant to Art 6 para 1 lit f DSGVO to be able to contact the stakeholders relevant to us in order to exchange information and to enable a dialogue with our stakeholders.

This data is only passed on to employees of Holding Graz whose area of responsibility also includes stakeholder management for Holding Graz. In addition, qualified external service providers also receive access to this data in order to support us at events or stakeholder surveys. We have contractually obliged these service providers to take at least the same security measures as Holding Graz with regard to personal data and to process this data only in accordance with the instructions of Holding Graz.

Your data is stored for as long as it is current (we check this annually), unless a stakeholder exercises its right to object to the processing of this data.

Pro­cess­ing of ap­pli­cants' data

Applicants are persons who submit different requests via the feedback form, or indicated incidents via the “Look at Graz” application.

We process your personal details

  • in order to be able to process different suggestions that are entered via various feedback areas of the individual departments
  • or requests that are registered via the “Look at Graz” application

(Art. 6 Para. 1 Letter a and f GDPR). If you do not want to provide us with your data, we cannot process your requests or suggestions.

In order to achieve the aforementioned purposes, it may be necessary in individual cases for us to disclose your data to the following recipients. This disclosure can be done by transmission, dissemination or another form of provision.

Re­cip­i­ents of ap­pli­cants' data

Recipients/Category of recipientsRegistered office of the companyBasis for transmission to a third country
IT service companies and their service providers within the framework of the maintenance and support of the information technology and communication systemsGraz, Austria and in individual cases within the EUwithin the EU
IT service providers within the framework of the website hosting and as an Internet service providerGraz, Austriawithin the EU
IT service providers for the technical implementation of the web presenceGraz, Austriawithin the EU
Report consumers (responsible departments within Holding Graz, the municipal administration of the city of Graz, its subsidiaries) for the elimination of the issue notifiedGraz, Austriawithin the EU

The non-personal data processed by the software product “Look at Graz” may be used by the service providers for quality assurance and further development of the software product.

Retention periods for the data:

We only save your data for as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which we have collected your data.

For reasons of objection periods, we fundamentally save requests and other documents as well as correspondence for the duration of 3 years.

Par­ties re­quest­ing in­for­ma­tion

These are persons whose personal data are processed within the framework of building plot suitability, construction negotiation or pipe information to meet statutory (legal) obligations (Art. 6 Para. 1 Letter c GDPR).

In order to achieve the aforementioned purposes, it may be necessary in individual cases for us to disclose your data to the following recipients. This disclosure can be done by transmission, dissemination or another form of provision.

Re­cip­i­ents of the data of par­ties re­quest­ing in­for­ma­tion

Recipient/Category of recipientsRegistered office of the companyBasis for transmission to a third country
IT service companies and their service providers within the framework of the maintenance and support of the information technology and communication systemsGraz, Austria and in individual cases within the EUwithin the EU
IT service providers within the framework of the website hosting and as Internet service providersGraz, Austriawithin the EU
System manufacturers, IT service providers within the framework of the maintenance and support of the IT systemsGraz, Austria and in individual cases within the EUwithin the EU
Responsible authorities and specialist departments for the handling of the ordersGraz, Austriawithin the EU

Pro­cess­ing of data of in­ter­est­ed par­ties, cus­tomers and con­trac­tu­al par­ties

These are all persons (e.g. applicants for funding, land owners) who are striving for or enter into a contractual relationship with Holding Graz.

We process your personal details either

  • a.       to carry out pre-contractual measures or to execute our contractual obligations (Art. 6 Para. 1 Letter b GDPR) which are based on the request from a data subject within the framework of a customer relationship, funding application, easement agreement.
  • b.      to fulfil the statutory (legal) obligations (Art. 6 Para. 1 Letter c GDPR).

With customer relationships we use your contact details to send you information about our range of services and invitations to events by post or e-mail (Art. 6 Para. 1 Letter f GDPR). You have a right at any time to object to this processing of your data for the purpose of direct advertising, without giving reasons, by letter to the responsible division or by e-mail to [email protected]. We will process your data for this purpose for as long as you do not object to such processing but only up to three years after the end of the contract. The processing of your personal details for the purpose of direct advertising is not necessary for the handling of our contractual relationship.

In order to achieve the aforementioned purposes, it may be necessary in individual cases for us to disclose your data to the following recipients. This disclosure can be done by transmission, dissemination or another form of provision.

Info re­gard­ing data pro­cess­ing

Recipient/Category of recipientsRegistered office of the company Basis for transmission to a third country
IT service companies and their service providers within the framework of the maintenance and support of the information technology and communication systemsAustria and in individual cases within the EUwithin the EU
System manufacturers, IT service providers within the framework of the maintenance and support of special systems of the specialist departmentsAustria and in individual cases within the EUwithin the EU
IT service providers within the framework of the website hosting and as an Internet service providerGraz, Austriawithin the EU
Commercial administration (specialist department or service provider) within the framework of the customer billing (invoicing, invoice creation, invoice dispatch)Graz, Austriawithin the EU
Companies that are commissioned with the collection of monetary receivables that have not been paid (collection agencies, creditor protection associations)Austriawithin the EU
Service providers within the framework of an inbound call centre for the handling of fault reports, complaints or ordersGraz, Austriawithin the EU
Courts and legal representatives (lawyers, notaries public), experts within the framework of the handling of legal mattersAustriawithin the EU
Authorities within the framework of the handling of fundingAustriawithin the EU
Legal representatives and facility management of propertiesAustria and in individual cases within the EU within the EU
Administrative authorities and courts of auditors, auditors within the framework of auditsAustriawithin the EU

Special recipients in the various areas are listed in the following section:

Spe­cial re­cip­i­ents Graz Lin­ien

Recipient/Category of recipientsRegistered office of the company Basis for transmission to a third country
Steirischer Verkehrsverbund GmbH and the associated transport companies within the framework of the billing and administration and audit of the purchasing of ticketsGraz, Austria within the EU
Responsible specialist departments of the municipal administration of the city of Graz (Social Affairs department of the city of Graz, Environment department of the city of Graz, ...) within the framework of the billing and administration and audit of the purchasing of ticketsGraz, Austria within the EU
Responsible tax officeAustriawithin the EU
Companies and institutions whose employees receive non-tariff discounts: Graz police headquarters, Styria provincial headquarters, ...... Austriawithin the EU
Responsible schools, companies within the framework of the billing and administration and audit of the purchasing of tickets Graz, Austria within the EU
IT service providers within the framework of the website hosting and as an Internet service provider Graz, Austria within the EU
Service providers who are commissioned with the control, collection, billing and administration of additional feesGraz, Austria within the EU
Companies within the framework of the billing and administration of e-charging pointsAustria and in individual cases within the EUwithin the EU
Insurance companies who are commissioned with the handling of claim reports Austria and in individual cases within the EUwithin the EU
Authorities within the framework of administrative offences (administrative offences committed by unknown party, parking offences), criminal proceedingsGraz, Austria within the EU

Spe­cial re­cip­i­ents Graz Water Man­age­ment

Recipient/Category of recipientsRegistered office of the companyBasis for transmission to a third country
IT service companies and their subcontractors within the framework of the provision and maintenance of the application system for water meter managementAustria and in individual cases within the EU and the USwithin the EU
Construction companies within the framework of the execution of construction work (planning, work preparation, scheduling and handling) Austria and in individual cases within the EUwithin the EU
Authorities (province of Styria specialist departments, city of Graz municipal administration departments) within the framework of the issuing and administration of notices in water Graz, Austriawithin the EU
Service providers (external samplers) within the framework of testing of water samplers Austria and in individual cases within the EU Austria and in individual cases within the EUwithin the EU
Authorities (province of Styria specialist departments, city of Graz municipal administration departments) within the framework of water testingAustriawithin the EU

Spe­cial re­cip­i­ents Graz Waste Man­age­ment

Recipient/Category of recipientsRegistered office of the company Basis for transmission to a third country
Waste companies (service providers) within the framework of the management of separate waste collectionGraz, Austria within the EU
City of Graz municipal administration departments within the framework of enquiries to the central register for motorised vehiclesGraz, Austria within the EU
City of Graz municipal administration departments within the framework of the billing of the waste fee (residual waste)Graz, Austria within the EU

Spe­cial re­cip­i­ents Graz Urban Space

Recipient/Category of recipientsRegistered office of the companyBasis for transmission to a third country
Authorities (city of Graz municipal administration departments) within the framework of the issuing, administration and handling of notices for eventsGraz, Austriawithin the EU

Spe­cial re­cip­i­ents mu­nic­i­pal work­shop

Recipient/Category of the recipientsRegistered office of the companyBasis for transmission to a third country
Responsible authority (provincial inspection body for motorised vehicles) within the framework of the Section 57a assessmentGraz, Austriawithin the EU

Retention periods for the data:

We only save your data for as long as this is necessary for the purposes for which we have collected your data.

For fiscal law reasons, we fundamentally save contracts and other documents as well as respective correspondence from our contractual relationship for the duration of seven years.

For reasons of guarantee and warranty periods, we fundamentally save contracts and other documents as well as documents for the duration of 30 years.

Pro­cess­ing of ap­pli­cants' data

We process the application data provided by you on a voluntary and truthful basis with the aid of automation and based on your consent. The purpose of the processing is the conducting of a personnel selection procedure and the checking of the possible establishment of an employment relationship with Holding Graz – Kommunale Dienstleistungen GmbH or with group companies of Holding Graz – Kommunale Dienstleistungen GmbH.

When you apply for a position at

  • A.D. BioErde und Kompost GmbH, Sturzgasse 16, 8020 Graz
  • achtzigzehn – Agentur für Marketing und Vertrieb GmbH, Andreas-Hofer-Platz 15, 8010 Graz
  • Ankünder GmbH, Herrengasse 7/II, 8010 Graz
  • Bestattung Graz GmbH, Grazbachgasse 44-48, 8010 Graz
  • Citycom Telekommunikation GmbH, Gadollaplatz 1, 8010 Graz
  • Energie Graz GmbH, Schönaugürtel 65, 8010 Graz
  • Energie Graz GmbH & Co KG, Schönaugürtel 65, 8010 Graz
  • Energie Graz Holding GmbH, Andreas-Hofer-Platz 15, 8010 Graz
  • Flughafen Graz Betriebs GmbH, 8073 Feldkirchen bei Graz
  • Freizeit Graz GmbH, Janzgasse 21, 8020 Graz
  • Grazer Unternehmensfinanzierungs GmbH, Hauptplatz 1/Rathaus, 8010 Graz
  • Grazer Schleppbahn GmbH, Andreas-Hofer-Platz 15, 8010 Graz
  • SERVUS ABFALL Dienstleistungs GmbH&Co KG, Sturzgasse 16, 8020 Graz
  • Schöckl Seilbahn GmbH, Janzgasse 21, 8020 Graz
  • Waschbetriebe Stadt Graz GmbH, Lagergasse 257, 8020 Graz or
  • Zentral-Wasserversorgung Hochschwab Süd, Gesellschaft m.b.H., St.Ilgen No. 107, 8621 Thörl

which are all group companies of Holding Graz – Kommunale Dienstleistungen GmbH, we point out that you first send your personal data to Holding Graz – Kommunale Dienstleistungen GmbH which as the processor conducts the application process for the companies named and Holding Graz then sends the data after a preliminary check to the respective group company for further processing. In this case, the controller pursuant to data privacy law is the company to whom you have sent your application.

Retention periods for the data:

Your data will be saved for the duration of 7 months after the definitive filling of the position (in the case of an application for an advertised vacancy) or 10 months after receipt (in the case of an unsolicited/spontaneous application). Data processing is carried out within the EU. There is no forwarding to third parties.

Pro­cess­ing of sup­pli­ers' or busi­ness part­ners' data

We process your personal details either

  • to carry out pre-contractual measures or to fulfil our contractual obligations (Art. 6 Para. 1 Letter b GDPR);
  • or to fulfil our statutory obligations (Art. 6 Para. 1 Letter c GDPR).

The processing of your data is primarily used to prepare, uphold and handle our contracts regarding the provision of deliveries and services.

In order to achieve these purposes, it may be necessary in individual cases for us to disclose your data to the following recipients. This disclosure can be done by transmission, dissemination or another form of provision. If you do not provide us with your data, we cannot enter into any business relationship with you.

Re­cip­i­ents of sup­pli­ers' and busi­ness part­ners' data

Recipient/Category of the recipientsRegistered office of the companyBasis for transmission to a third country
IT service companies and their service providers within the framework of the maintenance and support of the information technology and communication systemsAustria and in individual cases within the EU within the EU
System manufacturers, IT service providers within the framework of the maintenance and support of special systems of the specialist departmentsAustria and in individual cases within the EUwithin the EU
IT service providers within the framework of the website hosting and as Internet service providersGraz, Austria within the EU
Commercial administration (specialist department or service provider) within the framework of a business relationshipGraz, Austria within the EU
Companies (service providers) within the framework of a credit checkAustria and in individual cases within the EUwithin the EU
Companies that are commissioned with the collection of monetary receivables that have not been paid (collection agencies, creditor protection associations)Austriawithin the EU
Courts and legal representatives (lawyers, notary publics), experts within the framework of the handling of legal mattersAustriawithin the EU
Administrative authorities and courts of auditors, auditors within the framework of auditsAustriawithin the EU

Retention periods for the data:

We only save your data for as long as this is necessary for the purposes for which we have collected your data.

For fiscal law reasons, we fundamentally save contracts and other documents as well as respective correspondence from our contractual relationship for the duration of seven years.

For reasons of guarantee and warranty periods, we fundamentally save contracts and other documents as well as documents for the duration of 30 years.

Con­tact de­tails of the data pro­cess­ing con­trollers

Holding Graz – Kommunale Dienstleistungen GmbH
Andreas-Hofer-Platz 15
8010 Graz

P.O. Box 848
Tel.: +43 316 887-0
Fax: +43 316 887-1154
Customer service:  [email protected]

Company management:
Dipl. Ing. Wolfgang Malik
Dr. Gert Heigl

Data Protection Officer: [email protected]


Rights of the data sub­jects with re­gard to the pro­cess­ing of their per­son­al data

Within the framework of the information obligation stipulated by the GDPR, we explicitly point out the rights of the data subjects with regard to the processing of their personal data as follows:

Right to information:

In Art. 15 of the GDPR, it is stipulated that a data subject has the right to demand confirmation from the controller as to whether his or her personal data are processed. If this is the case, the data subject has the right to information about the type and content of the processing of the personal data.

Right to rectification:

In its Art. 16, the GDPR stipulates the right of the data subject to demand the immediate correction by the processor of the respective incorrect erroneous data.  Taking into account the purposes of the processing, the data subject has the right to demand the completion of incomplete personal data, also by means of a supplementary declaration.

Right to erasure:

In Art. 17 of the GDPR, the data subject is granted the right to demand from the controller that the respective personal data be deleted immediately. The controller is obligated to delete personal data immediately unless this conflicts with lawful grounds.

Right to restriction of the processing:

In Art. 18 of the GDPR, the data subject is granted the right to restrict the processing. The data subject has the right to demand from the controller that the processing of his/her data be restricted unless this conflicts with lawful grounds.

Right to data portability:

In Art. 20 GDPR, the data subject is granted the right to data portability. The person has the right to demand from the controller that the personal data that were provided to the controller are given to the data subject in a structured, conventional and machine-readable form. The data subject also has the right to transmit these data to another controller without hindrance by the controller to whom the personal data were provided unless this conflicts with lawful grounds.

Revocation of consent:

In Art. 7 GDPR, the data subject is granted the right to revoke his/her consent if this has been given and the processing is not done on other bases stipulated under the law.

Right to object:

In Art. 21 GDPR, the data subject is granted the right to object  if the processing is not required to carry out a task, is not in the public interest and is not done in the exercising of public authority which has been transferred to the controller and is not necessary to safeguard the legitimate interests of the data controller or a third partner unless the interests or fundamental rights and fundamental freedoms of the data subject which require the protection of personal data outweigh, in particular if the data subject is a child.

Right to complain to a supervisory authority:

In accordance with the notification obligations within the framework of the GDPR, it is pointed out that the respective person whose data are processed by a controller has a right to complain to the responsible data protection authority.

Austrian Data Protection Authority
Barichgasse 40-42, 1030 Vienna
E-mail: [email protected]