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Graz Water Management department provides you with high-quality, clean drinking water – and also ensures a perfect sewer system.

A close-up of a glass of water with water splashing out of it. The water droplets are in focus, and the background is blurry.
© Unsplash/Andrew Ren

Cus­tomer ser­vice & info

Info for home own­ers and com­pa­nies

Water bill

Once a year we ask you to notify us of your water consumption (= water meter reading). On the basis of these data, we create your annual water bill which you can also receive conveniently by e-mail as a digital invoice.

Report water meter reading.

You can report your water meter reading here.

Registration for digital invoice

Here you can register for the digital invoice.

Registration for a SEPA direct debit

Here you can register for the SEPA direct debit.

Prices, fees & charges

Here you will find the current prices relating to water.

Questions about your water bill

Our contact details for your questions can be found here.

Video: Holding Graz Water

How are you doing?

You haven’t got any running water? A pipe is blocked? Whenever you have a problem: We are here for you, day and night.


You can rely on us!

24/7 hotline

In emergencies, you can reach us day and night!

+43 316 887 7272

Con­tact and how to find us

The Water Management department of Holding Graz is aware of its responsibility towards people and the environment and opts for progressive and sustainable residential water management with maximum reliability of supply, outstanding, untreated drinking water quality, proper disposal of waste water and maximum purification.


All areas of activity, from maintenance of the fountains to the reading of the water meters, are bundled in the competence centre for  water management. Our water laboratory monitors not only compliance with the strict parameters for drinking, ground and surface water but is also available to external customers with well-founded analyses.


Do not forget that in many parts of our world the quality of water is anything but safe. In contrast, the drinking water which we supply to you in Graz and thus to your household is not only of a high quality and very healthy, it is also extremely tasty thanks to its hardness.

Waste water op­er­a­tions

Sewage treat­ment plant

Com­pe­tence cen­tre water man­age­ment


Head of Di­vi­sion

Headshot of Kajetan Beutle, smiling and wearing a suit and tie.
© Holding Graz

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Kajetan Beutle

Head of Water Management division