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Mo­bil­i­ty and Sales Cen­tre

Your service point for public transport in Graz! When you visit our Mobility and Sales Centre, you will receive an all-round service on public transport in Graz (Zone 101).

At the same location, you will also find the “Service Center of Verkehrsverbund”, the info centre for public transport throughout Styria. Here you can obtain information about public transport throughout Styria, whether for bus, tram or rail journeys (tel. no.: 050 67 89 10).

A woman stands at a counter, signing a form, with an employee behind a glass partition.
@ Holding Graz/Lupi Spuma

Cus­tomer ser­vice

  • You can obtain the following from us

    • all tickets for Verkehrsverbund Steiermark (“Mobil Zentral” customer centre, tel. no.: +43 50 678910)
    • all info on fares and on the route network in Graz (Graz Linien tel. no.: +43 316 887 4224)
  • You can obtain the following from us

    • all info on the fares and on the route network in Graz (Graz Linien tel. no.: +43 316 887 4224)
  • The info centre on public transport throughout Styria is located in the same building. Here you can obtain information about public transport throughout Styria, whether for bus, tram or rail journeys.

    “Mobil Zentral” customer centre, tel. no.: 050 67 89 10

Con­tact and how to find us

You can reach us using the tram lines 1, 3, 4 ,5 ,6, 7, 23 and the bus lines 30, 31, 31E, 32, 33, 33E, 34, 34E, 35, 39 and 40
Stop: Jakominiplatz

Mobility and Sales Centre

Opening hours: Monday to Friday: 8 am – 6 pm
Jakoministraße 1, 8010 Graz


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