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Buy or­gan­ic soil

Organic waste and chopped green waste collected in the city of Graz is used to produce high-quality compost that can be purchased as organic soil in Sturzgasse 16.

A gardener plants pansies in the ground with a trowel. The gloves say "Pro Grip".
© achtzigzehn/Hinterleitner

Our contribution to the recycling economy:


High-quality compost is produced from the organic waste and shredded green waste collected in the city of Graz. In the recycling centre you can purchase this quality compost, decorative larch/pine bark (bark mulch) (currently available in small quantities) and high-quality garden and flower soil during opening hours. The compost comes from agricultural composting of organic waste and green waste and is subject to strict quality controls.

The finished compost can be used directly as a fertiliser or to improve the soil. It is also the basis for high-quality garden and flower soil.

Our prices

Larch/Pine bark 20-60mmGarden soil 0-10mmQuality compost 0-15mm
€62.00 per m³ (incl. VAT)€54.00 per m³ (incl. VAT.)€40.00 per m³ (incl. VAT)
Sale of compost, soil and larch bark in volumes from 10 litres up to a maximum of 5 m³ on site,
Volumes of more than 5 m³ only on request.
Larch/Pine bark 20-60mmGarden soil 0-10mmQuality compost 0-15mm
€7.80 (incl. VAT)€6.70 (incl. VAT)€5.60 (incl. VAT)
Larch/Pine bark 20-60mmGarden soil 0-10mmQuality compost 0-15mm
€7.80 (incl. VAT)€7.30 (incl. VAT)€6.70 (incl. VAT)
Larch/Pine bark 20-60mmGarden soil 0-10mmQuality compost 0-15mm
€3.30 (incl. VAT)€2.80 (incl. VAT)€2.20 (incl. VAT)
Up to 2m³from 2m³ - 10m³
*= Please register at least 3 days in advance, quantity delivery possible depending on availability.