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e-in­voic­es to Hold­ing Graz

Put an end to the irksome flood of paperwork! You can also send your invoices to us very easily in electronic form!

Open envelope with several different euro notes
© Markus Spiske/Unsplash


Invoice sent – and it has already arrived. No need to post it. And no time spent in the post.


Electronic invoices can be processed automatically by Holding Graz.


This pleases customers: They save paper, postage and labour costs with an e-invoice.

How does it work?

Vari­ant 1: as an e-mail

Send us your invoice as a PDF by e-mail to [email protected]. Please note the following requirements in this regard:

The PDF attachments must at any rate not be protected by passwords.

  • Each PDF may only contain one invoice.
  • If attachments (e.g. proof of work) are sent with the invoices, they have to be included in the same e-mail as the invoice.

Vari­ant 2: as an e-in­voice


at the company service portal USP or directly in the info centre of your tax office.

Do you have any questions?

The USP service centre will be pleased to help you further – simply click on the link!

Send invoices

Manual input of the invoice in the online form, as an XML file or with the web service.


    • Sender (name, address, VAT ID number)
    • Correct company name and address of the recipient
      (Holding Graz – Kommunale Dienstleistungen GmbH, Andreas-Hofer-Platz 15, 8010 Graz)
    • Invoice number
    • Invoice date
    • With Variant 2: order reference GRAZ/HOL/0001/ Buyer group / Order number* (*=parts written in italics can be omitted if they are not available)
    • Date of delivery or performance
    • Bank details (IBAN, BIC)
    • Description of the delivery or performance (designation, volume)
    • Total price (gross, net, VAT)
    • In the case of invoices for more than EUR 10,000 gross, with reverse charge or for intra-Community delivery: our VAT ID number ATU28606700
    • With Variant 1: Send your invoices to the corresponding e-mail address
    • With Variant 2: the order reference is GRAZ/HOL / Accounting entity /Buyer group / Order number (*= parts written in italics can be omitted if they are not available.)


    Here is the list of all the companies we serve:

    Company, address, UID number/email address for variant 1/order reference for variant 2

    Freizeit Graz GmbH, Janzgasse 21, 8020 Graz, ATU28606700/[email protected]/ GRAZ/HOL/0002

    Schöckl Seilbahn GmbH, Janzgasse 21, 8020 Graz, ATU28606700/[email protected]/ GRAZ/HOL/0003

    Zentral-Wasserversorgung Hochschwab Süd GmbH, St. Ilgen 107, 8621 Thörl, ATU27088200/ [email protected]/GRAZ/HOL/0004

    WDS Wärmedirektservice der Energie Graz GmbH, Schönaugürtel 65, 8010 Graz, ATU56692225/
    [email protected]/GRAZ/HOL/0006

    Grazer Energieagentur GmbH, Kaiserfeldgasse 5-7/3. Stock, 8010 Graz, ATU44341903/[email protected]/ GRAZ/HOL/0010

    Citycom Telekommunikation GmbH, Gadollaplatz 1, 8010 Graz, ATU61241999/[email protected]/GRAZ/HOL/0015

    Grazer Schleppbahn GmbH, Andreas-Hofer-Platz 15, 8010 Graz, ATU28615601/[email protected]/GRAZ/HOL/0019

    achtzigzehn – Konzept & Gestaltung GmbH, Andreas-Hofer-Platz 15, 8010 Graz, ATU45394700/ [email protected]/GRAZ/HOL/0026

    Bestattung Graz GmbH, Grazbachgasse 44-48, 8010 Graz, ATU28606700/[email protected]/GRAZ/HOL/0040

    Energie Graz GmbH, Schönaugürtel 65, 8010 Graz, ATU80630934/[email protected]/ GRAZ/HOL/0050

    Stromnetz Graz GmbH, Schönaugürtel 65, 8010 Graz, ATU80631489/[email protected]/ GRAZ/HOL/0053

    Solar Graz GmbH, Schönaugürtel 65, 8010 Graz, ATU62870619/[email protected]/ GRAZ/HOL/0057

    Servus Abfall Dienstleistungs GmbH, Sturzgasse 16, 8020 Graz, ATU54105007/[email protected]/GRAZ/HOL/0071

    A.D. BioErde und Kompost GmbH, Sturzgasse 16, 8020 Graz, ATU64828967/[email protected]/GRAZ/HOL/0073

    Waschbetriebe Graz GmbH, Lagergasse 257, 8020 Graz, ATU56340338/[email protected]/GRAZ/HOL/0078

    ITG Informationstechnik Graz GmbH, Gadollaplatz 1, 8010 Graz, ATU56704908/[email protected]/GRAZ/HOL/0130

    GBG Gebäude- und Baumanagement Graz GmbH, Neutorgasse 57, 8010 Graz, ATU48778407/ [email protected]/GRAZ/HOL/0140

    Grazer Unternehmensfinanzierungs GmbH, Hauptplatz 1, 8011 Graz, ATU61820747/[email protected]/GRAZ/HOL/0145

    Stadt Graz – Abwasser, Rathaus, 8010 Graz, ATU36998709/[email protected]/ GRAZ/HOL/0901

    Stadt Graz – Stadtraum, Rathaus, 8010 Graz, ATU36998709/[email protected]/ GRAZ/HOL/0902

    Stadt Graz – Hausverwaltung, Rathaus, 8010 Graz, ATU36998709/[email protected]/ GRAZ/HOL/0940


  • Holding Graz – Kommunale Dienstleistungen GmbH uses the service of the Austrian Federal Computer Centre, which is responsible for technology and content. We therefore refer to the official page of the e-invoice.

    Here you will find detailed information on the portal, the interface descriptions and the test possibilities.

    The Federal Economic Chamber is also available to you if you have any questions on the structured electronic e-invoice: e-invoice to the federal government