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Mis­sion state­ment and val­ues

We have set out in writing what we stand for and how we want to achieve our many goals together.

A group of people with their hands stacked on top of each other. Their arms are wearing colorful sweaters.
© Hannah Busing/Unsplash

What we stand for:

We can all contribute to Holding Graz being the most modern municipal service company in Austria and standing for quality and sustainability in our provincial capital of Graz. In the interest of good collaboration, the goals and values of the mission statement apply for all employees in the Holding Graz group.

Our guiding principles:

  • We are committed to Graz in a responsible way!
    Together we provide and optimise our municipal services in the Graz municipal region and offer innovative, market-oriented products. We also ensure optimum quality in the future in order to increase the attractiveness of Graz as an economic region and a place to live. In the process, the aim is to meet the expectations of our customers and of society as well as the economic and ecological boundary conditions with lasting effect.


  • We increase quality of life and economic success!
    With our services and flexible offers, we expand the economic success of our company and the location quality of our provincial capital. Through new business ideas, quality improvements and cost reduction measures, we increase the performance of Holding Graz in a responsible way. This benefits everyone, the citizens of Graz, our customers as well as our employees.


  • We are open to change and sustainability!
    We are pleased to tackle the challenges for innovative tasks and visions of the city. We see changes in economic, ecological and social boundary conditions as an opportunity for permanent further development of our company. We are important partners for the sustainable development of the Graz region and fulfil our responsibility towards society and the environment at all times.


  • We stand for high performance!
    Our employees are motivated, competent and flexible. They all make an effective contribution to the attainment of our corporate goals and work in a cost-conscious, committed and successful way. We manage mobility and service offers around the clock for all our customers as well as citizens of the city. For this, we set up and offer an optimum infrastructure.


  • We appreciate our employees!
    We treat each other with respect. We know the strengths of our employees and encourage own initiative and a sense of responsibility. We perceive men and women based on their skills, irrespective of their gender roles. Further training, an awareness of health and equal opportunities at work have great importance for us as a modern company. We create mutual trust through open communication and the exchange of information.


  • We strive for long-term success!
    We optimise our costs and increase our revenues. We expand our position as a leading provider of municipal infrastructure and service and offer maximum quality at market-compliant, fair prices. A successful, sustainable company balance sheet makes a fundamental contribution to the goal of the city of Graz to handle finances in a responsible way.

Our mis­sion state­ment as a down­load

A white building with "Holding Graz" signage on the front, situated on a street corner in Graz, Austria.
© Holding Graz/Jungwirth
Graz's City Hall with flags of Styria, Austria, and the European Union.
© Stadt Graz/Fischer

Collaboration in the Graz administration:

As a fundamental part of the Graz administration, we as employees of Holding Graz do of course live the mission statement of the Graz administration – day in, day out.

“Together with the residents of the city, we are making Graz into the most livable city in Europe. We are developing the Graz administration into the most modern city management in Europe.” In 2016, the top 90 managers in the Graz administration developed a higher-level vision for the Graz administration with numerous guiding principles. All employees are valuable carriers of this vision.

The mis­sion state­ment of the Graz ad­min­is­tra­tion as a down­load