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The cor­rect use of water

A close-up of water splashing in a pool, creating a crown of droplets.
© Unsplash/Samara Doole

Only 0.03 per cent of the world’s water supply is suitable for drinking and should not be wasted.

Here are a few tips and tricks to ensure that our water stays as good as it is!

  • Hygiene:
    Only use as much bath additive, soap or shower gel as you really need when having a bath or taking a shower.
  • Detergents, etc.:
    Where possible, do without a pre-wash and fabric softener.
  • Careful with chemicals:
    Cleaning agents can contain aggressive and harmful chemicals that even state-of-the-art treatment plants have problems with. Opt for biological cleaning agents.
  • Car washing:
    Ideally wash your car in car wash facilities or on washing areas envisaged for this purpose and with a connection to the public sewer system.
  • Technology:
    Water-saving fittings, household devices and sanitary facilities not only save water; they also save money.
  • Maintenance:
    Dripping taps or leaky WC flushing systems cause high costs.
  • Limescale:
    To prevent excessive limescale, boilers should not be set at more than 60° C.

Use of rainwater and industrial water:

Rainwater absorbs numerous contaminations through the air and when it hits our roofs. There are regular calls to use this water for flushing toilets, watering gardens and also for cleaning laundry. We say: Using rainwater is not sensible because…

  • the use of water contaminated with faecal matter to wash laundry is unacceptable.
  • it would be necessary to install 2 pipe systems in the building and in the event of any faulty connections clean drinking water could be mixed with rainwater.
  • the considerable reduction in the consumption of drinking water as a result of using water from the roof would inevitably result in the drinking water being in the network for longer. we as a water supplier would increasingly have to implement flushing measures to sustain the quality.
  • such a system overall represents a step backwards with regard to hygiene. Water supply in railway carriages should not set an example.