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Park & Ride: Tick­ets with park­ing add-on

Park on the outskirts of the city and continue by public transport: We have the tickets. You can buy tickets for a whole year in the Mobility and Sales Centre, all others in the car parks.
P&R combined

Park & use public transport with one card

With our public transport tickets with parking add-on, you can simply park your car in the multi-storey car park and continue your journey directly on public transport!

The KlimaTicket Steiermark and the public transport tickets for zone 101 listed below are valid with a parking ticket for the car parks Mur-
park, Fölling or Brauquartier car parks*.

(* = Holding Graz is not the operator of the multi-storey car parks or the machines located in them. This is the responsibility of the Graz Car Park and Security Service).

Where is the card valid?

The respective ticket is valid for all public transport in zone 101 or Styria and in one of the previously selected car parks Liebenau Murpark, Fölling or Brauquartier.

How long is the ticket valid for?

The ticket is available in many variants:

  • as a 24-hour ticket, which can be taken directly at the entrance barrier – includes parking and 24 hours on all public transport in fare zone 101
  • as a weekly ticket – can be purchased later by simply topping up the 24-hour ticket at the ticket machine
  • as a monthly ticket – subsequently possible by simply topping up the 24-hour ticket at the ticket machine
  • For long-term commuters, the combi-ticket is also available in the KlimaTicket variants (only available at the Mobility and Sales Centre in Jakoministraße in Graz)

What does the card cost?

  • 24-hour ticket: € 12.00
  • Weekly ticket: € 35.00
  • Monthly ticket: € 102.00
  • ClimateTicket Styria Classic with parking add-on: € 763.00*
  • ClimateTicket Styria Transferable with parking add-on: € 870.00*
  • ClimateTicket Styria Youth/Senior/Special with parking add-on: € 638.00*

* These tickets are available at the Mobility and Sales Centre in Jakoministraße, the remaining tickets can be purchased on site. Parking portion: € 240.00 incl. 20% VAT.

Where can I buy the ticket?

The day ticket is as easy as this:

  • Enter the car park
  • Take a combined ticket at the barrier (valid for 24 hours for parking and as a public transport ticket in zone 101)
    park in the car park
  • get on the tram or bus directly at the multi-storey car park and travel comfortably into the city centre
  • Return to the multi-storey car park, insert your ticket and put money in the ticket machine
  • Leave the car park conveniently

It’s so easy to get your weekly or monthly ticket:

  • to the pay machine
  • Insert your day ticket
  • Weekly or monthly ticket – press the button
  • Insert money
  • You will receive your desired ticket
  • get on the tram or bus directly at the car park and travel comfortably to your workplace