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Water lab­o­ra­to­ry

We routinely check virtually all parameters of the physical, chemical and microbiological analysis of drinking water and of groundwater and surface water.

Sampling in the water laboratory: A plastic pipette is inserted into a half-full glass of water. In the background are an empty glass and an empty water carafe.
@ Unsplash/Hans Reniers


  • We routinely check virtually all parameters of the physical, chemical and microbiological analysis of drinking water and of groundwater and surface water.
  • Planning of monitoring programmes in accordance with the Drinking Water Regulation
  • Monitoring of water treatment facilities (deacidification, deferrisation, manganese removal, UV equipment)
  • Tests of the water aggressiveness
  • Analyses of corrosion problems in connection with the quality of water


    • Atom absorption (AAS with graphite furnace, flame, hybrid systems and cold vapour technique)
    • Photometer (UV/VIS), titroprocessor
    • TOC analyser
    • Ion chromatograph (cations/anions)
    • Gas chromatographs with ECD/FID and mass-selective detector (GC-MS)
    • A quality management system according to ISO EN 17025 and 17020 is just as self-evident as the good training of the employees.
    • The tests are carried out according to standardised methods in accordance with the requirements of the Drinking Water Regulation.
    • A laboratory bus, equipped with measuring equipment, pumps and generator, guarantees the professional extraction of drinking water and groundwater samples.
    • In protected and closed areas: To protect the groundwater, these are located in the catchment areas of the waterworks in Friesach, Andritz, Feldkirchen and in the area of the well facilities of Zentralwasserversorgung Hochschwab-Süd GesmbH.
    • In the area of groundwater: The groundwater is monitored at numerous domestic wells which are regularly tested for possible pollutants (heavy metals, chlorohydrocarbons, pesticides). We also continuously check the groundwater enrichment facilities in Friesach and Andritz.
    • In our wells: The water is subjected to weekly chemical and bacteriological tests, whereby selected gauges in the catchment area of the wells are even tested every day.
    • In elevated tanks and in the pipeline network: Here too, bacteriological checks are necessary as the natural resource drinking water cannot be kept for an unlimited time, even in the water pipe network. All these checks entail considerable effort but guarantee a high level of quality assurance and thus make it possible to do without any treatment or disinfection.

Con­tact and how to find us

Competence centre water management

Opening hours: Monday to Thursday: 7 am – 3 pm
Friday: 7 am – 1 pm
Wasserwerkgasse 9-12, 8045 Graz