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Ex­pan­sion of the 5G net­work

The new and future-oriented digital infrastructure for Graz: expansion of the 5G network. 5G stands for the new mobile communications standard focusing on the digitalisation of new applications and for IoT (Internet of things). 

Close-up of blue fiber optic strands glowing against a dark background.
© Unsplash

Requirements such as high bandwidths, real-time applications and guaranteed services for critical applications will be made possible for the first time with this new standard. The Holding Graz subsidiary Citycom Telekommunikation GmbH is now bringing this new standard to Graz. This technology will be used for the municipal purposes of the city of Graz, the new pioneering IoT applications and for business customers, the support of whom is a fundamental core business of Citycom. The starting signal for this has been given and Citycom is collaborating with two partners – the globally operating mobile communications company NOKIA and the company ms CNS which also has a site in Seiersberg.

The municipal government is supporting this future-oriented strategy.

The city of Graz can now make a decisive contribution itself via Holding Graz to the expansion of digital data transmission for digital infrastructure, namely to the 5G network. This new data transmission supplements the fibre optic networks which are operated by Citycom for in-house and external services. We are thus making a fundamental contribution to modern public service in our livable city.

Holding Graz CEO Wolfgang Malik: “With the acquisition of 5G frequencies, we can round off the business segment “Digital Business Management” pursuant to the “Digital Agenda” and expand it further.”

With the “Digital Agenda”, our city and the entire economic region of Graz are opening themselves up to the new broadband technology in a requirements and future-oriented way. It is preparing itself for the future requirements of a modern, smart, safe and sustainable city. This new technology is also being found, for instance, in the Smart City Initiative and in a progressive mobility management with autonomous vehicles and city logistics.

Further information on this can also be found below in our video!

Expansion of the 5G network