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Our Re­source Park Graz

The new area in Sturzgasse is customer:friendly, modern and offers even more space. Here, more than 80 types of waste can be collected, separated and thus more waste recycled. This saves resources and the environment. The Resource Park Graz is open to private individuals, commercial waste must be handed in at Sturzgasse 8.


Aerial view of the Graz Resource Park, featuring a large building with solar panels and a recycling center.
Foto Ressourcenpark

Charge­able and free de­liv­ery

The resource park is divided into 4 zones:

Free drop-off:

  • Re-Use Zone: still functional and reusable items such as textiles, furniture, books, etc.
  • Recyclable material zone: paper, metals, plastics, etc.
  • Problem material zone: paints, varnishes, electrical appliances, etc.


Fee required for disposal:

Residual waste zone: bulky waste, construction waste, tree and shrub cuttings, etc.



For the fee-based residual waste zone, you will need a QR code for entry and exit for the discounted drop-off. As a Graz resident over the age of 16 (main or secondary residence in Graz), you can enter the residual waste zone at a reduced rate: with your personal QR code, you pay only 6 euros per entry (up to 200 kg) 5 times a year!

From the 6th entry or for quantities over 200 kg and for non-Graz residents the standard tariff applies. For the free zones you do not need a QR code.

The 5 discounted entries are valid for one calendar year and expire at the end of the year. From 1.1. of the next year there are again 5 discounted entries for Graz residents.

Price example: Who enters without registration with 100 kilos of bulky waste, pays instead of 6 euros 34 euros (based on the additional quantity price per ton).


How registration works:

There are three ways you can register before entering the residual waste zone for the first time.

1.) Registration via app “Graz Abfall” (“Graz Waste”)
2.) Registration via the form below (only in german!)
3.) Registration at one of the municipal service points

The registration is completely uncomplicated and takes place within a very short time (online or app), with the QR code received you can then enter the resource park Graz.

Details on the registration methods:

via Graz Waste App:  

Click on “Ressourcenpark Graz Einfahrt” in the main menu, register for free and get the QR code on your smartphone. The QR code can also be downloaded as a PDF file and printed out (button “Generate PDF”). The download link for the app can be found below!

via form on the website (below):

Fill out the form “Resource Park Graz Entrance”, then you get a QR code, to do this click on “Download QR code”. A PDF file will be created, which you can download and print.

via service points of the city of Graz:

Please report directly on site at the service point with your ID and registration form. There they will be happy to assist you and print out the QR code for you.

Graz waste app

When will rubbish be collected, how should waste be properly separated, what can and cannot be put in the dustbins? These questions are answered by our free-of-charge waste app "Graz waste" - you can also receive news from waste management directly onto your smartphone!

The four zones

Our resource park Graz contains four different zones for the delivery of different types of waste.

Recyclables zone (free of charge)

In the recycling zone, customers can hand in the following types of waste free of charge:

  • Waste paper and cardboard
  • scrap iron
  • Various metals
  • White and stained glass packaging
  • Styrofoam packaging
  • Plastic packaging etc.
High mountains of cardboard in the recyclables zone
@ achtzigzehn/Hinterleitner

Problem material zone (free of charge)

The free-of-charge problem material zone remains at the old location, where the following types of waste, among others, can be handed in free of charge:

  • Paints
  • Varnishes
  • Electrical appliances
  • Medicines
  • Batteries etc.
Several large paint buckets collected in a container in the problem material zone
@ achtzigzehn/Hinterleitner

Re-Use Zone (free of charge)

Items that can still be used can be dropped off at the Re-Use Zone, such as:

  • Textiles
  • Shoes
  • Tableware
  • Books
  • small furniture etc.

In the spirit of resource conservation, there is a separate re-use zone for the free handing over of usable items. Caritas is on board as a partner here, and subsequently sells the re-use goods in the Carla stores.

Two wooden chairs with various items on them, including shoes, purses, plaid shirts, and candlesticks. One chair has a cushion and two blue and white plates.
© achtzigzehn/Grießbacher

Residual material zone (chargeable)

The following types of waste, among others, can be deposited in the fee-based area in the residual waste zone:

  • Bulky waste
  • Construction waste
  • Tree and shrub cuttings
  • Used tires
  • Plasterboard etc.
Bulky waste: various pieces of upholstered furniture and wood in a pile
© Fotolia Animaflora

Our tariffs

Here you can find the tariffs for the residual waste zone (private delivery only).

Tariffs residual material zone (with registration)

Disposal fee entry residual zoneEuro (incl. VAT)
Bulky waste up to 200 kilos (also applies to: Waste wood thermal & material, carpets, mattresses, tires with & without rims, flat glass with & without frames, PVC waste, asbestos cement/eternite, artificial mineral fibers such as rock wool or tell wool, XPS insulation boards).€ 6,00
Excess quantities* over 200 kilos, (price per kilo)€ 0,33
Construction waste sorted by type up to 200 kilos (also applies to: construction waste, ceramics, construction residues, plasterboard)€ 6,00
Excess quantities* over 200 kilos - unmixed (price per kilo)€ 0,13
Tree and shrub cuttings, sorted by type, up to 200 kilos (also applies to: cuttings and leaves)€ 6,00
Excess quantities* over 200 kilos - unmixed (price per kilo)€ 0,13
Attention: If you enter without registration, the standard tariff (= tariff for additional quantities) applies from the 1st kilogram.
Prices are valid only until the end of the year, then follows indexation.

Num­bers, data, facts

Investment volume: around 9.8 million euros

Area tripled from 6,000 to around 20,000 square meters

Significant contribution to resource conservation and increase in recycling rate through:

  • additional collection fractions,
  • increase in sorting depth.

Improved convenience and service for citizens and avoidance of congestion situations through:

  • significant expansion of the collection area,
  • increase in the number of delivery and drop-off points,
  • two entry checkweighers (instead of one) in the paid area,
  • optimized traffic routing (e.g. traffic circle and double lane delivery),
  • additional pay stations at the exit,
  • increased use of large containers.


Resource Park Graz

Opening hours: Monday to Saturday: 8 am to 6 pm
Sundays and holidays closed
Sturzgasse 8, 8020 Graz