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Waste paper

Packaging made of cardboard, paper, paperboard and waste paper as well as magazines belong in the collection container with the red lid.

A green recycling bin with a red lid labeled "Altpapier" and several icons for permitted and forbidden items.
© Holding Graz

Please put the following in the waste paper container!


  • newspapers, magazines, catalogues, prospectuses
  • books, exercise books (without plastic binding)
  • packing paper
  • stationery and office supplies, envelopes
    (with and without address window)
  • cigarette packets (without cellophane sleeve
    and protective inner paper)
  • frozen food boxes (uncoated)
  • unsoiled paper from the household
  • paper bags, paper carrier bags
  • egg boxes made of cardboard

Please do not put the following in the waste paper container!


  • soiled paper
  • paper contaminated with oil
  • composite cardboard packaging
    (e.g. milk and drinks carton packaging)
  • carbon or copy paper
  • coated special paper
  • coated frozen food packaging
  • wallpaper – small quantities should be put in the residual waste bin
  • wallpaper – significant quantities
  • slides, thermal paper, labels
    and label strip paper
  • photos and photo paper, postcards
  • hygiene paper (e.g. tissues)

Info & tips

Separate correctly:

  • Before you put boxes in the collection container, you should make sure you unfold them or tear them up or place them in one another. Please always remove sleeves and bindings of books, exercise books, etc.!
  • Please crush large boxes!

Tips for separating waste:

  • Dispose of significant quantities of waste paper and large packaging (e.g. of washing machines and TV appliances) in the Resource Park Graz.
  • On frozen food packaging it states via which collection system (packaging made of plastic or composite materials or waste paper) the packaging can be disposed of.

Where can I get a waste paper collection container?

From Holding Graz Waste Management department at:

However, you can also request the collection container online!

Who can request a collection container?

  • An application can be made by the property owner or the authorised facility management but there is no entitlement to the installation of containers. The application forms can be found below.

Where is a collection container installed?

  • In the inner city area also in buildings or inner courtyards.
  • In the districts 1 to 6 on public land.
  • In the districts 7 to 17 directly on the property in the case of apartment buildings and also detached houses.

Graz waste app

When will rubbish be collected, how should waste be properly separated, what can and cannot be put in the dustbins? These questions are answered by our free-of-charge waste app "Graz waste" - you can also receive news from waste management directly onto your smartphone!