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More than 80,000 plants: Graz in bloom this year

A person wearing gloves plants yellow and orange pansies in the ground with a garden tool.
@ achtzigzehn/Hinterleitner

The gardeners of Graz Holding have a lot to do at the moment. 82,100 flowers have already been planted or will be planted in the next few days. 

The planting commenced with the areas of Castle Mountain, the Stadtpark and the city centre. At the same time, graves of honour, war memorials and bowls of flowers were planted. The remaining areas will only be planted once these have been finished.

The most frequent types of flowers this year are orange and purple pansies followed by yellow buttercups. With the bulb plants, the most frequent species is a yellow fritillary.

The most important facts about the planting out in 2021:

  • Flowerbeds and tubs at around 55 locations in Graz have been replanted.
  • Bulb plants were planted in the autumn; spring bloomers were grown over the winter at the nursery in Martinhofstraße by employees of Graz Urban Space department.
  • 50 gardeners are out and about.
  • It takes 14 days until the planting is completed.
  • Forget-me-nots, marigolds, buttercups, pansies, several thousand daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses, imperial crowns, ornamental onions and tulips will be growing in Graz.
  • Around 46,000 plants were grown in nursery cultivation. Around 30,400 flower bulbs were already planted in the ground in the autumn and will start to flower in the next few days.
  • 1,600 square metres are being planted, including also the meadows in the Stadtpark.
  • The planting of the flowerbeds with alternating flowers costs around 180 Euro/m². Including maintenance, this equates to around EUR 300,000 in the entire municipal area.
  • The plants will be replaced twice a year – the next replacement is in May, which is when the summer plants will be planted.
  • Flowers will be planted at Am Eisernen Tor on an area of 270 square metres.
A blue garden shovel is stuck in the soil surrounded by yellow and orange pansies.
@ achtzigzehn/Hinterleitner
Flowerbed around a manhole cover, a bus passes in the background.
© achtzigzehn/Hinterleitner
Flowerbed at Eisernes Tor, fountain in the background
© Holding Graz/Kleewein