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Graz res­i­dents rely on dig­i­tal waste app

A woman shows a man the Graz waste app on her phone while standing next to a black trash can labelled "Restmüll".
@ Holding Graz/Podesser

Popular: Since 2019, Holding Graz has been offering a digital service on the topic of waste and its correct disposal with the “Graz Abfall” app. The digital waste collection calendar in the app is particularly popular, as the latest survey results show.

At the end of January, more than 500 people living in Graz were asked about the satisfaction, use and attractiveness of the Graz Waste app. And the results show: The app meets with an average level of interest among the population of Graz – regardless of gender, age or level of education. An interesting detail: interest is even slightly higher among people between 50 and 59 years of age.

64 percent of the respondents consider “Graz Abfall” to be a (very) attractive app, every second respondent justifies this with the digital availability of the collection calendar! Since this year, the calendar has been offered primarily digitally to customers of Holding Graz and provides information about all important waste collection dates at any time and anywhere. The increasing number of downloads – the app has now been downloaded more than 23,000 times – is further proof that the people of Graz also like to use digital services.

Alexandra Loidl, head of waste management: “Especially in times when the paper boxes are overflowing with information material, the possibility of the digital collection calendar is a relief for many. At the same time, we continue to offer the service of a printed collection calendar to all those who do not have access to the digital service.”

Especially in times when the paper boxes are overflowing with information material, the possibility of the digital collection calendar is a relief for many people.

Alexandra Loidl

Incidentally, 75 per cent of the respondents consider the function of the digital collection calendar in the app to be (very) attractive. The two app functions “Locations” (79 percent) and the “Waste ABC” (75 percent), which helps with the correct waste separation, are also particularly attractive. 93 percent of respondents do not miss any other function in the app.

 Customer satisfaction analysis results in top values for the waste management sector

Every year, the Infrastructure & Energy division of Holding Graz asks its customers questions about its diverse services. In 2021, an external opinion research institute again asked Graz residents aged between 18 and 75 about the services of the waste management division, among other things. The results clearly show that satisfaction with waste management remains high at 83 percent.

The respondents were particularly satisfied with the collection of waste at home (76 percent) and at the collection points (70 percent). However, about one third criticises the lack of separation ethics of Graz residents – especially in terms of residual waste separation there is still a need to catch up.

The recycling centre of Holding Graz is also well known and used, as the survey showed: 59 percent of Graz residents have already used the recycling centre in Sturzgasse once in 2021, 87 percent are (very) satisfied with it.

Holding Graz board director Gert Heigl: “I am pleased that our services were once again rated so well. To ensure that the quality in a growing city like Graz remains high, we are constantly investing in sustainable projects such as the new resource park.”

Explainer video Graz Waste App (in German)