Graz Lines: A lot of new things from 26.11.

As of November 26, there will be several changes in the route network of Graz Linien – we have summarized all information for you here!
Line 4 will be extended to Reininghaus and will maintain afternoon service on weekdays. The extended line 4 also runs in the evenings and on Sundays and public holidays (Monday to Sunday, 5-24 h).
From the stop “Köflacher Gasse/PVA” (previously “Waagner-Biro-Straße/PVA”), the extended line 4 travels to the joint stop “Alte Poststraße” with line 7 and then turns south into Alte Poststraße, passes under the GKB line and from Reininghausstraße the 4 enters the new UNESCO Esplanade. There are the new stops “Reininghausstraße”, “Reininghauspark/tim” and “Jochen-Rindt-Platz”. After crossing Wetzelsdorfer Strasse, the new double-track terminus of Line 4 “Reininghaus” is located about 500 meters further on.
The first trip of line 4 on 26.11.2021 will turn as scheduled at 4:54 from Eggenberger Straße towards Reininghaus. The first trip from Reininghaus to the city center leaves at 5:01 am.
Line 6 will be extended to Smart City/Peter-Tunner-Gasse/tim. The extended line 6 also runs in the evenings and on Sundays (MO-SO 5-24 hrs). From the stop “Köflacher Gasse/PVA” (previously “Waagner-Biro-Straße/PVA”), line 6 runs through Asperngasse and turns into Daungasse, where the new stop “Daungasse/Hauptbahnhof” has been built. The streetcar then runs along Waagner-Biro-Strasse and serves the new stops “Starhemberggasse”, “Dreierschützengasse/Helmut-List-Halle” and “Nikolaus-Harnoncourt-Park”. In the course of a large loop, the new double-track terminus of Line 6 “Smart City/Peter-Tunner-Gasse/tim” is reached.
The first course of line 6 on 26.11.2021 turns as scheduled at 5:08 a.m. into Waagner-Biro-Strasse in the direction of Smart City. The first trip from Smart City to the city center departs at 5:14 a.m.
The previous line 13 (Krenngasse – Jakominiplatz – Liebenau) will be discontinued. Lines 4 and 23 will run instead.
Line 20 (Jakominiplatz – Laudongasse), which operates as a booster line on Sundays and holidays between 2 and 7 p.m., will be discontinued.
The new line 23 runs the route Krenngasse – Jakominiplatz. This line runs Monday through Saturday evenings and all day on Sundays and holidays.
Line 26 (Jakominiplatz – St. Peter) is discontinued. Line 6 will run instead.
The Laudongasse loop, which is currently still served by lines 4 and 6, will become a service-only loop as of November 26, 2021. This means that no more streetcars will stop at the “Laudongasse” streetcar stop! The replacement stops are the stop “Asperngasse” of line 1 or “Hauptbahnhof/Zugang West” of line 6.
Line 41 will operate every 10 minutes from Monday to Friday (previously 15 minutes) from 6:30 a.m. to approximately 6:30 p.m. The operating hours remain the same (Monday to Friday, 5 a.m. – 8 p.m.).
Line 62 operates every 10 minutes (previously 15 minutes) from 6 a.m. to approximately 7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. On Saturdays every 10 minutes from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and now on Sundays every 15 minutes (previously every 30 minutes) from 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.. On weekdays, we also use articulated buses on Line 62.
Line 62E will be discontinued as Line 62 runs every 15 minutes.
Line 65 gets a new routing coming from Puntigam and runs from the stop “Grottenhofstraße” via Peter-Rosegger-Straße – Reininghaus (together with line 4) – Alte Poststraße – Gösting (instead of line 85). Monday to Friday, the new extended 65 runs every 10 minutes from 6 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. (previously, line 65 ran every 15 minutes and line 85 every 10 minutes). On Saturdays, the new 65 runs every 10 minutes from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
The operation of line 65 in Straßganger Straße from the stop “Volksschule Peter Rosegger and further through Wetzelsdorfer Straße and Gaswerkstraße to Eggenberger Allee/tim will be discontinued due to the new routing.
The operating hours on line 65 will be extended to Monday to Sunday, 5-24 hrs. Line 65 is the new north-south tangential in the west of Graz.
Line 65A operates the Gösting – Reininghaus – Grottenhofstraße section of the new Line 65 in the evening from 8 p.m. and all day on Sundays.
Line 66 runs from Monday to Friday every 10 minutes (previously 15 minutes) from 6 a.m. to about 6:30 p.m.. On Saturdays every 10 minutes from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and newly on Sundays every 15 minutes (previously every 30 minutes) from 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Line 85 will be discontinued. The replacement line on the route Gösting – Georgigasse is line 65. The connection from the main station to line 65 at the stop “Alte Poststraße” is taken over by lines 4 and 7.
There will also be adaptations on bus lines 60, 64, 64E, 72, 73U, 74, 76U to optimize connections to the “new” lines 4 and 6.
The night bus line N1 travels from the city along line 6 to “Smart City”, turns via the loop and then continues through Dreierschützengasse – Alte Poststraße – Georgigasse to Eggenberg and Gösting.
The night bus line N2 no longer runs from Jakominiplatz via Griesplatz, but through Annenstraße and along line 4 through the Reininghaus quarter and on to Peter-Rosegger-Straße to “Webling”.
Here you can find out why the changes to the bus routes have occurred.
Line 85 is being discontinued because the main catchment area, Waagner-Biro-Strasse, is served by the extended Line 6. The connection to the main station in this section of the former Line 85 is now taken over by Line 6, which now runs every day.
The city has ambitious goals for the new Reininghaus district in terms of mobility – private motor vehicle traffic is to be reduced here as much as possible from the outset. Therefore, there are mainly collective garages (not with the elevator from the apartment directly into the underground parking), new tim locations, bike paths, a traffic-calmed main axis (UNESCO esplanade) and stores, offices, restaurants and a new school campus within walking distance. The main mobility access is to be provided by public transport, for which close networking with other parts of the city is an essential prerequisite. Line 4 offers a direct connection to the main train station as well as the city center, bus line 66 provides an essential cross connection to the Don Bosco local transport hub, the Citypark, the Messequartier as well as the school center/TU location in St. Peter, and the adapted line 65 connects the west of Graz in a north-south relation with the new Reininghaus quarter (HTL-Bulme, Straßganger Straße settlement area, Center West, Puntigam local transport hub). At the same time, of course, these districts will be connected to the new facilities at the Reininghaus area (Reininghauspark, school campus, etc.). These three lines (4, 65, 66) all meet at the new “Jochen-Rindt-Platz”.
The approach to Smart City is similar – albeit on a smaller scale. In recent years, demand for bus line 85 has already risen sharply due to residential development along Waagner-Biro-Strasse, and further extensions will make it necessary to connect it by streetcar.
Liebenau – Reininghaus (until 25.11.: Liebenau – Laudongasse)
St. Peter – Smart City (until 25.11.: St. Peter – Laudongasse)
Discontinued (replacement lines 4 and 23)
discontinued (replacement lines 4 and 6)
Krenngasse – Jakominiplatz (new)
discontinued (replacement line 6)
discontinued (replacement line 62)
Puntigam – Grottenhofstraße – Reininghaus – Gösting (until 25.11. Puntigam – Eggenberger Allee/tim)
Grottenhofstraße – Reininghaus – Gösting (new/evening and Sunday service)
discontinued (replacement lines 4, 6 and 65)
Fölling P+R – Jakominiplatz – Smart City – Eggenberg – Gösting (new: loop via Smart City).
Wirtschaftskammer – Jakominiplatz – Hauptbahnhof – Reininghaus – Webling (new routing, info above)