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Springfes­ti­val: Hold­ing on board

Four people stand outside a building. A green banner with "GRAZ" is visible in the background.
© Kyrillos Mikhail

This year Holding Graz is once again a partner of the “Springfestival Graz” (2 to 6 June). We have been supporting this great festival for electronic art and music since 2016.

“On behalf of Holding Graz, I am delighted that we are able to support the ‘Springfestival’ again this year and that it is finally possible to experience art & culture live in public space and with spectators,” said Holding Graz marketing manager Richard Peer at the opening.

Peer continued: “The Corona pandemic was an enormous challenge for all of us, but especially for the cultural sector, which was particularly affected by the crisis and the measures to contain Covid-19. Nevertheless, the local art and culture scene and the organisers in particular have shown what is possible with numerous creative alternative projects and thus found a way to make art and culture an experience for the people of Graz also in the previous year. Since we at Holding Graz have always focused on the long term rather than on snapshots when it comes to our cooperations and partnerships, such as the ‘Spring Festival’, it was quickly clear to us last year that we, as a loyal partner of the Graz art and culture scene, would provide support quickly and unbureaucratically”.

As the largest municipal service company in Styria, Holding Graz on the one hand guarantees the infrastructure of public life for the people of Graz, but on the other hand we also bear social responsibility in various areas – sports, social services, but of course also in the field of art and culture. In cultural sponsoring in particular, we pursue the central task of presenting the city’s culture in all its diversity and making it equally accessible to all people.

In 2020, Holding Graz handled 114 sponsorship projects, 32 of which came from the field of art and culture.


Photo above: Andrea Güttersberger (Marketing Department Holding Graz/Sponsoring) and Richard Peer (2nd from right) at the opening of the festival.